At Rephidim in Northwestern Saudi Arabia's Tabuk Province, the Split Rock of Horeb stands prominently. It is believed by many people of diverse faiths to be the rock that Moses struck with his staff, causing water to gush forth and quench the thirst of his followers, the Bani Israel. The rock towers over its surroundings, and traces of water erosion can be seen below it. Moses and his followers found themselves in a waterless area, and their desperation and fear of dying from thirst led them to consider killing Moses. However, their salvation came in the form of a miraculous event at Rephidim. When Moses struck the Rock at Horeb, it split open, releasing a torrent of water so vast it was likened to "rivers in the desert."
I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” So, Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel (Exodus 17:6, NIV). This is the rock that God commanded Moses to strike with his staff (Exodus 17:6), where the miraculous provision of water took place for the grumbling Israelites and their livestock in the wilderness.

The split rock can be found on the western side of Jebel Al Lawz, and the name "Meribah" is associated with
strife. Rephidim, where the rock is located, is also known as the battleground where Moses and his people
fought against the Amalekites.

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